The brief is to visualize sleeping in a way that makes it inviting to stressed 20-year-olds. So what if sleep was a travel destination that is conveniently just a shut-eye away?
Curator’s Choice of the 2023 Design Degree Show
Song credit: Let's Go - Benny Sings
My flatmates don't sleep
People are worried that falling asleep
would mean missing out on life
would mean missing out on life
Whether they're a floater or an over-achiever, 20-year-olds, overburdened with anxiety about the future, are worried that falling asleep would take away from what little time they have to do things other than uni work.
Your sweetest escape, just a shut-eye away...
Dreaming extends the possibilities of what we can experience. Using travel ad clichés, the solution brands sleep as the most convenient travel destination to reassure people that sleeping actually means the complete opposite of missing out.

The Process
Exploring the visual language of dreams!
Looking at the ways people have visualized dreams and extracting themes, which include fluid shapes, playing with scale, liminal spaces, and repetition. I then tried to visualize a dream myself using photography.
"I noticed the bush's cotton balls becoming baby birds as they developed and I wondered if I should eat them"

Learned that the medium lacks dynamism and is too realistic. Decided to move away from photography and to try collage instead.

Collecting copy from travel magazines